Tantra massage, or so called tantra sex, is a modern way of combinating sex and massage. This can be found in private and professional tantric studios in Viseu, and any state around the globe. Tantra originated in India and was originally an esoteric form of Hinduism. In the western world tantra is associated with a certain kind of sexual practice and is also known as neotantra. This neo-tantrism promises sexual excitement and fulfillment. For tantra studios in Viseu as in other states, it is important to offer the guests a pleasant atmosphere. The tantra masseuses working in tantric studios are trained in various massage techniques. The client receives a massage in a slow, erotic and sensual way. There is also a intimate massage, which is called fine massage. The sense of a tantric massage is not to reach a sexual climax, but the complete relaxation of body and mind, which should fuse through the tantric massage. Tantra sex does also use various sexual techniques such as chuluaqui-quodoushka, expanded orgasm, orgasm control and Venus Butterfly.